Search Results for 'Wally'

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Bombs Away!

Monday Cover Vol. 4 Issue 40 - Bucky Lasek

Who’s got a big bowl? Well, this week’s Monday Cover skater, Bucky Lasek, has a big bowl and it shows. That’s one massive lien air. Bucky and crew took some time off from the Dew Tour to skate with the locals at Pier Park this week. Check out a few more pics of Bucky doing what Bucky does after the turn.

Congratulations Bucky!

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Skate Park UFO Mystery Solved

Pier Park Skate Park UFO Mystery Solved

Folks stared in amazement at what appeared to be a UFO over Pier Park skate park. You could hear people shouting “no way” and “wooha” as the object passed over head. Fortunately, we were there with camera in tow and snapped a few pics. After hours in the lab and searching frame-by-frame through the images, we were able to solve the mystery. Check it out after the turn. EPM “space oddity” Out!

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Yellow Sun Superpowers

Monday Cover Vol. 4 Issue 26 - Tim Eberly

It seems this week’s Monday Cover skater, Tim Eberly, might hail from Krypton with moves like this one. That’s one lofty ollie over the hip at West Linn. Mild mannered minus the black frame glasses while pulling super feats of dexterity, that’s Tim. Check out a few more pics of Tim shredding about after the turn.

Congratulations Tim!

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Hip to It Dude!

Tim Eberly and Wally @ West Linn Park Slalom 2010

Here’s a snap from yesterday’s park slalom event at West Linn. Wally “fans out” on Tim Eberly floating over the hip. Good times. Thanks to Skate Legion, Mike Estes, Tom “Wally” Inouye, and crew for some skateboarding fun in the sun. Check out a larger image after the turn.

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Hood River on Lock

Mark Partain - Hood River

So what do you do after a day of snowboarding on Mt. Hood? If you’re Mark Partain, you head down the mountain to Hood River for some true Oregon ‘crete. Riding for the Old Man Army vet division, Mark has earned his stripes in the skate trenches. Off the board, you can find Mark surrounded by boards at Wally’s Skate shop in Hood River. Check out more pics of Mark shredding it up after the turn.

All photos courtesy of comrade at arms and OMA team member, Shawn Reinert.

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Mid-Centenarian Skate Punks Rule

Monday Cover Vol. 4 Issue 4 - Randy Katen

That’s a mouth full as well as a little word play on the Generation X song “One Hundred Punks Rule.” It’s all tied together by this week’s Monday Cover skater, Randy Katen. In addition to commanding the lip with super styling frontside snap-back grinds, Randy commands the punk airwaves in Missoula with his biweekly show Generation X on KGBA, University of Montana Radio. So how does mid-centenarian relate to all of this? Well, Randy celebrates his 50th birthday in t-minus 8 days. Check out more pics of an original N-Man after the turn.

Congratulations Randy and here’s to another 50 years of shredding!

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Small Town Simpatico

Monday Cover Vol. 3 Issue 48 - Jeff Ament

Growing up in a small mid-American town in the 70’s and trying to get your skate on was a bit of a challenge. Skateboarder magazine, possibly a set of Rampage ramp plans and your personal ingenuity were your ticket to survival. So, how many folks out there built a Rampage ramp? How many cut it in half at the bottom and inserted some flat? How many cut it down and put it inside of a garage or other building so you could skate through the Winter months? Like so many of us, this week’s Monday Cover skater, Jeff Ament, shares those skate roots. Check out more pics of Jeff shredding it up after the turn.

Congratulations Jeff!

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Sweeter than Onions

Walla Walla Skatepark - Walla Walla, Washington

OK, here’s the deal. If you haven’t skated the recently built Walla Walla bowl, you are missing out on one of the best bowls around. No kidding. Designed by the local skaters and built by Dreamland, the Onion bowl is a thing of beauty. Put this bowl on your skate bucket list for sure. Check out Tom, Ryan, Bryce, Wally and MC getting their fill in the gallery.

Onion Bowl – Walla Walla, Washington

Skater-Up in Pendleton

Pendleton Skatepark - Pendleton, Oregon

Our recent Montana adventure included a few stops at Oregon skateparks. The first of those stops was at one of Dreamland’s recent Eastern Oregon creations in Pendleton. Sporting a fun street section and a large flow bowl, Pendleton stays true to Dreamland’s ability to create quality terrain. The afternoon sunshine was a bit of a challenge but it didn’t stop our fearless crew. Check out Wally, Bryce and MC sampling the park in the gallery.

Pendleton Skatepark – Pendleton, Oregon

Power and Style

Monday Cover Vol. 3 Issue 45 - Chris Strople

So the next time you’re throwing down an alley oop anything, you might want to thank this week’s Monday Cover skater, the legendary Chris Strople. Seeing those early sequences of Chris hucking a backside alley oop at Del Mar were mind blowing not to mention those trademark striped socks. Check out more pics of Chris shredding the gnar after the turn.

Congratulations Chris!

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