Who’s got a big bowl? Well, this week’s Monday Cover skater, Bucky Lasek, has a big bowl and it shows. That’s one massive lien air. Bucky and crew took some time off from the Dew Tour to skate with the locals at Pier Park this week. Check out a few more pics of Bucky doing what Bucky does after the turn.
Congratulations Bucky!
Click on an image for a larger view.
Bucky rising and BK snapping
Skate Strata: Bowl, Coping, Deck, Spectators, Vegetation, Sky and Bucky
Backside air
Frontside invert on the hip. Wally on deck.
Heel flip frontside gay twist
Frontside air to paparazzi
Full frame of cover shot
Holy nuts!
Good lord!
Again, FanBoy approved!! One of the lien pics was on his FB, probably the one by BK. Damn I bet that was a fun session. Thanks!
Bucky is basically destroying that bowl. Those lien airs really hurt my feelings. So good. Keep killing it Bucky.
Now that you’ve seen some of the photos from this early morning sessions. Let me add that this was Bucky’s first time to pier park. He absolutely destroyed the place.
Why does he have to push that rockstar garbage so hard??
It’s all about the Benjamin’s and private backyard bowls
I hope the local groms were present to witness what that bowl can do if you sack up and skill up. Inspiration of a lifetime.