Put This In Your Pipe….

Oregon Bifecta 2009 - Pier Park Winners

Alright, let’s hear it for Pier Park and the skating that went down yesterday. It seemed like there was a 360 degree stoke going down for all in attendance. What can we say but viva Pier Park as an annual stop for the Oregon Tri sometime Bi-Fecta. Enough gushing already, here’s your creme de la creme in each division: Ladies – Julie Kindstrand, Masters – Lance Mountain, Pros – Benji Galloway. Check out the pics after the turn and stay tuned for more detailed coverage in the coming days, weeks, months, etc…. You know the exercise.

Click on an image for a larger view.

Julie Kindstrand - Frontside Air @ Pier Park

Julie Kindstrand lofting some frontside air

Lance Mountain - Frontside Invert @ Pier Park

Lance Mountain giving the people what they want. Frontside invert in full bloom.

Benji Galloway - Frontside Pipe Blunt @ Pier Park

Benji Galloway was on point as he takes a hit off the pipe

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