Anyone recognize this week’s Monday Cover skater? Anyone? Anyone? Well for those not in the know, it’s the one-and-only Lance Mountain having his way with the door at Pier Park. What can we say other than thanks for skating and being such a positive influence all these years. Check out a few more pics of Lance shredding Pier Park after the turn.
Congratulations Lance!
Click on an image for a large view.
Lance rolling the door frontside
Lance throwing up an egg
Lance rocking it near the pipe
Lance styling a grind
Lance plants one on the face wall
Lance avoiding pipe traffic
Sometimes the pipe wins. Everybody climbs.
Full frame of cover shot
GNAR! Lance FanBoy since 1987! (Though I din’t really need to know Nike sends him underwear too.)
Gotta love Lance,always smiling and having fun…it’s contagious for sure.
Great crowd shot on that eggplant. Reminds me of Hieronymous Bosch’s “Carrying of the Cross.”
so sick, such a legend.
Those are hip/butt pads I think. (football under protective)
Lance RULES!!!!
Good to see you out there Rich!!!
Alway the SICK shots!!
Thanks for your work!!
…sick reference MC!
True Talent. The both of ya.
gots to get me sum o dem dare butt pads, I gots me a hipper dat day….doh!
Thanks for the Lance shots! Everyone loves Lance!!
Rad-y, von raddinghood! Great shots.
i have a nice shot of lance over the key hole, the shot looks like he is front side grinding it, but i dont know, i got T boned in my truck by a farmer yesterday and i dont have any time to post the pics, but i’ll send them later in the week when i am done figuring out what to do w/ my wrecked truck. R.I.P. GREY DRAGON, you will be missed, that truck had been on more skate trips them most. any one know where to get a 98 chevy 2 door tahoe?
Sorry about the truck. When you get things squared around it would be great to see those photos.
Sick Photo’s,