Search Results for 'book review'

Dr. K.’s Book Review: Spray Paint the Walls

Spray Paint the Walls by Stevie Chick - Dr. K.'s book review on Earth Patrol

Dr. Krohn’s book review train is chugging down the tracks. Next stop, Spray Paint the Walls: The Story of Black Flag by Stevie Chick. All passengers please prepare for arrival after the turn. EPM “Pettibon Junction” Out!

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Dr. K.’s Book Review: Misery Obscura

Dr. K's Book Review on Earth Patrol: Misery Obscura

It’s time, once again, for a visit from our resident book reviewer, Dr. Brad Krohn. Up for review is Misery Obscura, the Photography of Errie Von. Enjoy all the eclectic literary delvings after the turn.

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Dr. K.’s Book Report

Dr. K. Dub Book Review

We have something a little different for you this week. Brad Krohn was kind enough to send us an excellent book review for the book Dub – Soundscapes and Shattered Songs in Jamaican Reggae, by Michael Veal, Wesleyan University Press, 2007. Check out all of Brad’s literary thoughts after the turn.

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Ska’d for Wife

Brad’s Ska Book Review

That’s how Elmer Fudd might pronounce the title of the first of two books reviewed by our resident book reviewer, Brad Krohn. Check out Brad’s thoughts on Ska’d For Life – A Personal Journey with The Specials by Horace Panter and 2-Tone, The Specials, and a World in Flame: Wheels Out of Gear by Dave Thompson after the turn. Now how sweet is that ska patch from the Poser store in Hollywood circa 1980?

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Great Skaters in Gaudy Frames

BCSA Art and Music Benefit Flier

If you are looking for a skate related benefit to attend this weekend, consider the 4th Annual BCSA Art and Music Benefit. It all goes down tomorrow night, March 26th, at the Corvallis Elks Lodge starting at 6pm. It’s the only place you can get a great deal on some 8×10 photos of great skaters in gaudy frames courtesy of EPM. Check out all the details on the flier after the turn along with a digital preview of our donations. EPM “support your local skate community” Out!

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Dr. K’s Monster Mash – Godzilla vs. Hedorah

Dr. K. Movie Review - Godzilla vs. Heora

Always the academic with a penchant for fringe culture, our resident book/movie reviewer, Dr. K., will be gracing us with his takes on some classic monster/horror flicks. We kickoff the series with Dr. K’s take on Godzilla vs. Hedorah (aka Godzilla vs. The Smog Monster) Toho Films, Japan, 1971. Check out all the smoke stack sucking prose after the turn.

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