This week’s Monday Cover skater, Mark Conahan, channels the spirit of Jonathan E. while taking it high-to-low at Pier Park. For those not familiar with the movie Rollerball, what the heck have you been doing with your time? Skating? Check out a few more pics of Mark rolling around Pier sans brain case after the turn.
Congratulations Mark!
Click on an image for a larger view.
Flowing around the 9-bowl
Finding some shade in the pipe
Lip work in the mid-bowl
Full frame of the cover shot
All you have to do is put that Earth Patrol sticker on your board and POW! Monday Cover.
riding said skateboard helps too..
A rare helmet less appearance… If that’s the board you are going to ride, I guess we should flip the graphic so the trowel is right side up on the frontside air.
Rich is always there to capture the epic shots…
sorry i missed cleaning my favorite place on earth..learned about
it happening to late……sick fsa in the mid bowl..
Awesome! Hey, can the Cretins get some of dem EPM stickers? 😉 (Trade ya!)
Hey Nik, e-mail me your address and I will flow you some stickers. It’s a deal.
Hit ya on ‘the book.’ Thanks!!