This week’s installment of YouTube Tuesday explores some of the synthesized sounds created in the wake of Dow Jones and the Industrials; one of the most influential punk/post-punk bands to come out of the Midwest. The repercussions of the sonic explosion that was Dow Jones and the Industrials gave us the Tone Set, Pointless, Dumb but Happy, Tim North and his Hoverdrum, and Sauce of the Future. Check out all the videos after the turn along with some serendipitous finds that include San Francisco’s Units and French futurists Space. EPM “Have Spacesuit will Play Synth” Out!
U.S.A. – Dow Jones and the Industrials
Life is Busy – Tone Set
Out! Out! – Tone Set
Something to Look Up To – Pointless
Tim North Video Tribute – A Great Human Being and One Kick-Ass Drummer
High Pressure Days – Units
I-Night – Units
Magic Fly – Space
Running in the City – Space
I was/am a big fan of Galen Herod. Didn’t know about Tone Set until I tried to find a rerelease of the GH cassette I had in high school. I can’t believe they got airplay on MTV, if only once.