Monochrome Memories

 Dennis Agnew, Tony Alva, Jay Adams and Duane Peters @ Marina Del Rey

While doing some research on the old Skatercross skate park, we stumbled upon an awesome gallery of photos from skate-days-gone-by at Marina Del Rey. If you skated in the late 70’s/early 80’s, you know that Marina was one of the premier skate parks of the time and it attracted many of the heavy shredders. Over thirty-one years in the making courtesy of photographer David Scott, check out this week’s Foto-Friday in the gallery below. Also, be sure to check out larger versions of the photos featured in the banner after the turn. Can you name the skaters? EPM “now where’s my fly-away and gyros” Out!

Gallery: Marina Del Rey Photos Circa 1979

Click on an image for a larger view.


Dennis “Polar Bear” Agnew gets inverted at Marina

Tony Alva - BS Air @ Marina Del Rey

Tony Alva takes it above the lip

Jay Adams - FS Slash Grind @ Marina Del Rey

Jay Adams slashes out a lip curling grind

Duane Peters - BS Air @ Marina Del Rey

Duane Peters with flowing locks and a backside air

All photos credit: David Scott

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