Rockets, Jets, Mushrooms and Barbies

Shonen Knife and Guitar Wolf on Earth Patrol

If you dig songs about rockets, jets, mushrooms and Barbies, this week’s featured YouTube Tuesday artists, Shonen Knife and Guitar Wolf, have you covered. Check out a couple of punk purveyors from the land of the rising sun after the turn. EPM “that dude’s microphone shoots flames” Out!

Shonen Knife – Riding on the Rocket

Shonen Knife – Twist Barbie

Shonen Knife – Brown Mushrooms

Shonen Knife – S.P.A.M.

Guitar Wolf – Jet Generation

Guitar Wolf – Rock de Korese!

Guitar Wolf – Sky Star Jet

Guitar Wolf – Wild Zero

2 Responses to “Rockets, Jets, Mushrooms and Barbies”

  • Guitar Wolf Rules!…..
    Say that 10 times real fast.

  • Make sure you check out a movie called Wild Zero featuring Guitar wolf.

    The DVD suggests a Wild Zero drinking game, in which a beer mug appears in the top-right corner (via the subtitle track) every time:

    Someone drinks
    Someone combs their hair
    Fire shoots out of anything
    Anyone says Rock n Roll
    Something explodes
    A zombie’s head pops
    The number of drinks by the end of the film is around 100.

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