Die Antwoord is the Answer

Die Antwoord on Earth Patrol's YouTube Tuesday

Cape Town, South Africa is where you will find Die Antwoord. Hip-hop aboard this week’s YouTube Tuesday and tune into a Zef-rap spectacle. Check out a few videos after the turn and be sure to stop by the official Die Antwoord site for a listen to their latest album, $O$. EPM “space ninja” Out!

Word Alert: F-bomb infused lyrics abound

Die Antwoord – Enter the Ninja

Die Antwoord – Zefside/Beat Boy

Die Antwoord – Super Evil

Die Antwoord – $copie

3 Responses to “Die Antwoord is the Answer”

  • Can’t view these videos at work, but isn’t that guy in the hood the prematurely aging kid from South Africa who was on That’s Incredible? Fran Tarkenton said he would die of old age by the time he was 15, but it looks like he’s at least as old as me and rollin’ on the 1s and 2s no less.

  • looks like the pier park crew…

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