Looking to find your inner peace? Just do like MC does with his serenity trowel. Click on the image for a better look at pure contentment. Be sure to check out Randy’s sweet time-lapse of the pour and stay tuned for more photos of the day’s events.
Skateboarding and more ….
Looking to find your inner peace? Just do like MC does with his serenity trowel. Click on the image for a better look at pure contentment. Be sure to check out Randy’s sweet time-lapse of the pour and stay tuned for more photos of the day’s events.
Way cool! Nice shot of the “Big Chi’s” himself! Will you be able to take a test run today or is it better for the crete if you wait a few days?
So far I have resisted the temptation. I’ve been misting it and I did walk around there a little tossing out dead spiders and little rocks. Maybe tomorrow.
Man, I think I would have trouble resisting if it was ok to skate. Amazing will power. Thought it was a very fitting end to the pour to have Mark take the glory pass (new expression for me…). What a cool day. Kind of surreal.
Very surreal for me. I had about four or five “holy shit!” moments when the impact of what was happening would hit me. I don’t know if it was just seeing in person for the first time, or what, but it was really amazing to watch those guys work together and crank that thing out.
I feel like it’s changed face of our scene. Iw as looking in my backyard thinking about trying to cram a miniramp in there… but it just seemed so lame. I started thinking about concrete instead. It would have to be above ground though, underneath two gigantic pine trees and I don’t want to mess with the roots, those things would take out my whole house if one of them fell on it.
‘Taint nuttin’ wrong with wood Kilwag… (let’s ignore the irony of the “Concretins” building a new wood ramp)…
Crazy, If Grover gets MC’s old ramp, Randy-bo-bandy builds something, I pull the trigger on a mini, and MC with the real deal. BBQ’s sessions would be never ending! Wow, and wood prices are cheap these days!
creamy and dreamy ,hope to ride this !! ,you lucky guy