Take Me to the River

Take Me to the River - Cal Skate Relics

The launch ramp madness continues on this week’s installment of Cal Skate Relics. The boys down at the shop uncovered a few photos from an 80’s Waterfront Park street contest. Once again, we’re looking for help identifying these shredders of yore. You know the drill, all the shots after the turn. EPM “Sporting some bat print Jimmy-Z baggy pants” Out!

Click on an image for a larger view.

Backside Air - Waterfront Park

Exhibit 1: Backside Air

Frontside Boneless - Waterfront Park

Exhibit 2: Frontside Boneless

Backside One-Footer @ Waterfront Park

Exhibit 3: Backside One-Footer

Backside Air @ Waterfront Park

Exhibit 4: Backside Air

Method Air @ Waterfront Park

Exhibit 5: Method Air

Fast Plant @ Waterfront Park

Exhibit 6: Fast Plant

Frontside Something @ Waterfront Park

Exhibit 7: Frontside Something

Backside Bail @ Waterfront Park

Exhibit 8: Big Bail

Dash for Swag @ Waterfront Park

Exhibit 9: Dash for the Swag

Acid Drop from Roof @ Waterfront Park

Exhibit 10: Acid Drop from Roof (Local T.V. camera dude catching the action)

6 Responses to “Take Me to the River”

  • Was probably before his time, but number 7 looks like he could be a young Matt Beach?

  • water front park was fun in the 80’s

  • (Nearly)Positives:
    #1,5- Adam Musekant
    #3,4 – Tyrone Talbert
    #8 – Nick Clark

    #6 – Brian Beard? (Salem OG)
    #8 – Chris Porter?(mid 80s NoPo local)

    No Clue:
    #10 – Looks a bit like Brian Zipper (Rebel Skates co-founder and early Cal Skate Manager) but I don’t remember him going for the big acid drops. Nice peanut gallery (l-r): Nick Clark, Din Johnson (owner of Portland’s Ristretto Roasters), Danny Sargeant,(unknown), and Bill Reese.

    I have a few pics from the following years Waterfront Park contest that are definite relics. I’ll get them to you soon Rich. Thanks for the posts–good times!

  • I love pic like this What size negatives are they? just wondering as my scanner just sits here

  • Carl – Damon and Tyler have been scanning the pics from the actual prints and sending the digital result. They are scanning the prints @ 300 dpi. Fire up that scanner already. 🙂

  • looks fun especially skatin on the bricks

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