Dodging Raindrops

Jack Dodging Raindrops at Newberg

The weather is starting turn here in the Northwest and raindrop dodging is back in vogue. Check out Jack, Grover and MC as they session Newberg between the intermittent sprinkles.

2 Responses to “Dodging Raindrops”

  • Great Pics as always Rich. They help my live vicariously through GVK and son. Man you could have fun with that last pic.

  • It is hard for me to look past the stereo type of jacks shirt but I can because he made it. It was a fun ride very illuminating pictuers. Boy did I have fun ignoring jack that day. After the session Jack and I tried to kill ourselves on the scooter. Gawliks threatened to call child services on us so we made a quick get a way, and lived to tell.Good Day. Thanks Ritchie-boy.

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