Concrete Kahoonas

Salba, Olson, Wally, Cooksie, Duncan

You’ve heard the term “in it for life”, well here are a few dudes that fit the phrase. It’s Steve “Salba” Alba, Steve “Bulky” Olson, Tom “Wally” Inouye, Chris “Cooksie” Cook and Dave “Double-D” Duncan. These are some of the skaters that blazed a trail for modern skateboarding and it’s always good to see them during Trifecta weekend. Check out a few pics after the turn.

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Salba and Olson @ Battle Ground

Steve Alba (left) and Steve Olson (right) chilling at Battle Ground

Wally - FS Air @ Battle Ground

Tom Inouye grabbing some air at Battle Ground

Cooksie - Dino Fakie @ Tigard

Chris Cook fakies off the back of the dino at Tigard

Dave Duncan - BS Hip Grind @ Battle Ground

Dave Duncan scratching some hip coping at Battle Ground

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