Skate Parks in 3D: Pier Park

Skate Parks in 3D: Pier Park

Stop number five on our Buy Nothing, Skate Everything tour was at Pier Park. This park is so good. If you like it big, Pier Park is all you need. Now go get your 3D-pipe-gazing-session on after the turn….

Click on the images for a full-size view.


Pier Park: Looking southwest through the mouse hole

Pier Park in 3D: Another angle looking southwest through the mouse hole

Pier Park: Another angle looking southwest through the mouse hole

Pier Park in 3D: Looking south into the pipe

Pier Park: Looking south into the pipe

Pier Park in 3D: Looking southeast into the pipe

Pier Park: Looking southeast into the pipe

Pier Park in 3D: Another angle looking southeast into the pipe

Pier Park: Another angle looking southeast into the pipe

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