Pool ruler and all around shredder, Donovan Rice is sporting a new sponsor these days a la Vagrant Skates. Check out Donovan’s welcome to the team video after the turn. EPM “heel-a monster to disaster” Out!
Thanks to SKATEDAILY.net for the heads-up.
Vagrant Skates Welcomes Donovan Rice
oh my god!!!!! Fuck Yeah Donaldavan! Dyke will be proud! Take care of this guy! 100% Skateboarder.
Love this guy…i was there day one when he was a lil grom and dropped into Donald for the first time. Keep the stoke Donovan. We love ya!
DONOVAN!!!!! A non skater would think skateboarding was easy if Donovan was the first person they ever saw ride a skateboard.
Don’t you mean Donovan = Vagrant?
Donovan’s style is fully unique, fluid, and a joy to watch. Where others would bail or be turned around, Donovan stays on and makes it happen. I’ve never seen anyone else do some of the things Donovan does.
Three northwest skateboarders whose style stands out in my mind: Red, Brent Atchley, and Donovan Rice.
Like endless scummer, I’ve seen Donovan skate for years. I’m stoked he has sponsorship to skate. Congratulations, Donovan!