Commonwealth Skateboarding Grand Opening

Commonwealth Skateboarding Grand Opening @ 3 pm, Saturday, February 26, 2011

In answer to CCR’s lyrical question, who’ll stop the rain, we submit Commonwealth Skateboarding. Get those soggy logs dry and those bearings lubed for their grand opening this Saturday, February 26th. Check out all the info on the flier after the turn. EPM “Commonwealth’s got you covered” Out!

Commonwealth Skateboarding - Grand Opening Flier

Commonwealth Skateboarding Grand Opening Flier

13 Responses to “Commonwealth Skateboarding Grand Opening”

  • Everyone please give a big thanks to Lance, Jen & Billy for this. Mucho hard work

  • looks like only half a transition… will attract emo kids like flies on shit!

  • Gnarles Copinghagen

    Looks fun to me! Concrete indoors? Who cares if it’s small stuff! There’s plenty of big stuff outdoors the rest of the time!

  • who put the old cannon beach skatepark indoors? I thought we got rid of that crap years ago? Pay to play no way!

    • Gnarles Copinghagen

      Ha! Ha! Looks a little better then the old Cannon Beach park to me! Smoother at the very least! I’ll skate it, or at least I will if I’ve been rained out for long enough. I think that it’s pretty cool that someone created an indoor spot. Sure they’re charging a fee for use, but they’ve got to pay for the place too right? Seems reasonable.

  • tobes i bet you will be showing your “art” there with the emo

  • looks like it would be fun to skate

  • Cant wait but going too….until sunday

  • Yikes, it’s crazy how negative people can be sometimes. Scummer2- no one is going to force you to go and pay to skate an indoor park, but why in the hell would you be so negative about it it in the first place? It’s does rain in the Northwest, hell right now it snowing! So there is a need for a good indoor park. Dept closed last August and now someone has stepped up and built everyone a new park. You should be psyched about it, not bummed! Also, Billy Coulon designed Commonwealth’s park and Billy along with Jamie Weller build Windells so you know the new park is good.

    Also, last time I checked Jon Humphries and Bryce Kanights were pretty far from being ’emo kids’ so I would pick up a skate magazine next time you get a chance.

  • skate-able vertical areas?

  • there are some interesting little things here there

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