The autumnal equinox quickly approaches and with it more opportunity for indoor activities due to inclement weather and decreasing daylight periods. So with that in mind, we started to poke around the music bins for some season appropriate music and what did we find? If you guessed Arcade Fire, give yourself a point for reading the title prior to reading the post. Now grab that flannel plaid shirt, the hat with the ear flaps and settle in for some Arcade Fire after the turn.
Arcade Fire – No Cars Go
Arcade Fire – Rebellion
Arcade Fire – Neon Bible
Arcade Fire & David Bowie – Wake Up
They’re here next week.
Memorial Coliseum.
They just released another album, it’s pretty snazzy!
Look, I like the losers. My fall music: Paul Westerberg’s “love you in the fall”, Nikki Sudden, Go! Team, Velvet Crush