Come on out and support Portland’s newest favorite skate spot near a railroad track. It’s the Brooklyn Street Skate Spot Project and you are invited to come on out today and support the cause. Get all the details on the flier after the turn along with a few more pics of Team Grover getting a taste. EPM “skate spots are the new monkey bars” Out!
Click on an image for a larger view.
Begin session….
Big Daddy pivot on point….
Little G. man takes it to the air….
Francis snakes ol’ pops mid-pivot….
The smile says it all. Team Grover approves.
Flier for Brooklyn Street Skate Spot BBQ, Fundraiser and Cleanup
rad.. lets make it happen..
jack ripprd
…ummm this looks more like “After the Skate Spot Benefit Was Over” har dee har har…I love Squeaks…
Well, at least no one will confuse you for McCloud or Columbo. Note the timestamp of the first comment.