The words “tread lightly” are stamped in the concrete at Ed Benedict. This week’s Monday Cover skater not only treads lightly but he treads well. Who is it? Why it’s none other than BK’s doppelganger, Chip Treadwell. In addition to shredding the gnar with moves like this ollie-180 over a rock gap, Chip has impeccable taste in t-shirts. Check out more pics of Chip killing it after the turn.
Congratulations Chip!
Click on an image for a larger view.
Smooth smith grind
Ollie-180 down stairs
5-0 on bench
5-0 in half-pipe
Full frame of cover shot
A concrete mini with pool coping… NICE!!! SoCal, hello, get a flipping clue!!!! The northwest knows what’s up.
What are those coping blocks made of? They look really hard almost like granite..?
Tedder Stone Coping. Ask for it by name.
At Benedict, isn’t the coping some kind of custom formed, super-hard, granite-like stuff? I don’t think it’s Tedder Stone there, unless he’s got a different formula for the material.