
Monday Cover Vol. 3 Issue 33 - Shawn Reinert

This week’s Monday Cover skater, Shawn Reinert, gets tubed at Granite Skatepark while throwing out a peace sign with style. Word has it that those are Z-Quirp’s kicks dangling from the far end of the pipe. Check out more pics of Shawn killing Granite after the turn.

Click on an image for a larger view.

Shawn - FS Hip Air out of Pipe @ Granite

Blasting out of the pipe over the hip

Shawn - FS Grind in Peanut @ Granite

Grinding the shallow in the peanut

Shawn - FS Tuck Knee over Hip @ Granite

Tuck knee over the hip

Shawn - FS Air in Peanut @ Granite

Lofty frontside air in the peanut

Shawn - FS in the Pipe @ Granite

Full frame of the cover shot

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