Colorado Stoke

Kevin Decker

Colorado is on fire. Quality skateparks are popping-up all over the state and this week’s featured EPM Net contributor, Kevin Decker (a.k.a Kvon), is reaping the benefits in more ways than one. In addition to skating, Kevin takes some great photos and was kind enough to share them. The black and white shot of the skater, pavement, and house is one of our favorites. Check out this picture and others after the turn.

Click on an image for a larger view.

Skate Home - Kevin Decker

Skate Home – Kvon

Old Car at Night - Kevin Decker

Old Car at Night – Kvon

Drum L.E.D. - Kevin Decker

Drum L.E.D. – Kvon

Three Kvons - Kevin Decker

Three Kvons – Kvon

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Kevin skating his backyarder. Nice inverts dude!

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