Vancouver, WA has a new skate shop. Pistol’s Skate Shop celebrated their grand opening on Saturday, January 19. Not only can you buy skate gear but you can also test it out on their indoor mini-ramp. A few of the locals along with our friends from Bacon and Coldwar Skateboards did a little skateboarding as well. Check out some of the mini-ramp action after the turn.
Click on the pics for a larger view.
Johnny powering out of a fakie-tail stall
Grover frontside RnR in pants
Frontside disaster
Johnny and the bean plant
Lien to tail for Benji
Clay taking a frontside grind to fakie
Backside ollie
Johnny hangs with a frontside ollie
Pistol’s Skate Shop and Mini-Ramp
yeah, i was there. it was pretty tight. i had gabby try to teach me to skateboard, but it didnt happen.. haha. but the watching the skateboarders were great.
Hey Grover, is that a frontside RnR in pants, or are you just happy to see me.
Looks like a good ramp. I guess there’s no web link for Pistols?
I think I saw Grover ride by on his bike this morning. He was wearing shorts and it was 25* out. ??
Where is it?
Address: 2305 East 5th St., Vancouver, WA
Phone: 360- 903-0788
Though I’ve many, that is probably the sickest frontside ollie I’ve seen from Johnny. Epic shit guyssssss
do you have to buy something from the shop to be able to skate the mini?
IT’s closed down. It was hella cool hang out spot. no ramp or nothing
cool ramp. but you gotta admit pretty small on the shop.