Who knew the creator of the Coul-tair had the makings for the perfect man-cobra? Anyone see the flick Dreamscape? Anyway, the real purpose of this post is to let you know that Low Cobra, the Idealists and Raider are playing at Slabtown this Friday, March 18, starting at 9pm. Skaters playing music for the low, low price of $5. Now that’s recession friendly admission. Check out all the details on the fliers after the turn. EPM “snake run” Out!
Click on a flier for a larger view.
Low Cobra Flier
Raider Flier
Who’s the dude doing the ollie?
I thought that was a Coul-tair? Where you take a deep breath and puff up your cheeks just before ollie-ing. It make you lighter so you go higher.