So how does Santa prep for his around-the-world-in-a-night mission? Well, it seems ol’ St. Nick likes to shred it up to get the juices flowing. Who knew? This year he stopped by MC’s bowl for a few licks at the coping before heading on his way. Check out Santa killing it with a few of his helpers after the turn. Ho, ho, ho, ho.
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Santa with a little frontside tuck knee action
BK’s double trucker startles the reindeer just out of frame
Santa ups the ante with a frontside beardo obscura
MC with a holly jolly frontside air to slob
Santa had to bail ….
… but he stopped for one last pic with his skate before heading on his way.
I bet that Santa suit has 40 year old Bed Bug Caracas in it.
Hahaha, go Santa go. It’s hard to see your feet with the beard in the way huh? I heard a few Santas might be violating some security-free Xmas spots downtown today… Happy holidays!
That suit has been to Venezuela?
Stylin’ frontside airs Santa. Great shots RB.
Whoever’s using “Mrs. GVK” isn’t a very good speller…hmmmm, who could that be? I’ve got to THINK…
Santa’s suit was used by his grandfather, so those bed bug carcasses are closer to 60 years old
And Santa figured if the airs are going to be low, better make them somewhat stylish. Next year Santa wants the x-mas gift of a photographer who gets down lower with that fish eye.
Next year photographer wants the gift of a Santa that can get higher air. Most photographers won’t put their chin on the coping to make Santa look better. 🙂
you should be stoked that your friend takes pictures.
That suit is going to the Caracas.
Omar and Chet lurking? the new Santa’s reindeer perhaps? they can fly, that much is known. Nice shots and Merry X Mas / Happy New Year