Gorilla Marketing

Grover - Gorilla Marketing

So how does the “little guy” get a leg up in the big world of skateboard advertising? Why, through guerrilla marketing techniques, of course. We captured the G in GVK doing some stealth sticker work during this year’s Trifecta. Get all the pro tips after the turn.

Step 1 – Recon: Blend in with the crowd. Look like your interested in the action going down. Use this time to prepare your sticker for application and identify your target.

Grover - Step 1

Step 2 – Attack: Quickly place your sticker with precision and determination. Stay focused.

Grover - Step 2

Step 3 – Recover: Calmly return to your “blending in” posture while giving the sticker the old nonchalant toe tap for good adhesion.

Grover - Step 3

Step 4 – Repeat: Now you’re ready to compete with the “big boys.”

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