So how does the “little guy” get a leg up in the big world of skateboard advertising? Why, through guerrilla marketing techniques, of course. We captured the G in GVK doing some stealth sticker work during this year’s Trifecta. Get all the pro tips after the turn.
Step 1 – Recon: Blend in with the crowd. Look like your interested in the action going down. Use this time to prepare your sticker for application and identify your target.
Step 2 – Attack: Quickly place your sticker with precision and determination. Stay focused.
Step 3 – Recover: Calmly return to your “blending in” posture while giving the sticker the old nonchalant toe tap for good adhesion.
Step 4 – Repeat: Now you’re ready to compete with the “big boys.”
that shirt rules
oohh? So ThAt’S how its doNe!!!
Yeah, the shirt really helps him”blend in with the crowd.”
Sticker vandal! And the socks are a nice “old guy” touch.