A game of pinball during multi-ball play is sedate compared to the action that went down at DoS on Friday. Bodies were flying about the bowl and this week’s Monday Cover skater, Kerri Reichard, was deep in the mix. Check out this styling hip to 5-0 along with a few more pics after the turn.
Congratulations Kerri!
Click on an image for a larger view.
Styling a nose grinder to fakie.
We are calling it a crail-boneless to tail.
Full frame of cover shot.
Nice! She can even skate in white pants without getting them dirty. I would say that takes extra skill.
I like the expression on her face on the second picture (first after the cover) plus that tail slide thing was cool. These shots are a nice change of pace. Good job Rich/Kerri.
All the dudes in the background are funny… “Damn. Why can’t my girlfriend skate?”
Concretin Nik is funny…”Damn. Why does my girlfriend skate?”
now thats more like it.