Airspeed is gettin’er done with respect to the Gabriel Park Skatepark. We are going to venture a guess of 70% complete with respect to concrete pours. You be the judge. Pics of all the progress after the turn.
Click on an image for a larger view.
View from the hillside
View from deep to shallow
Slug back to shallow
Deep to shallow
Another shot from the hillside. Note the workers on the right and the quick tranny.
Crew shaping the quick tranny
Another slug back shot
Shallow to slug
Down the middle
Hips from deep to shallow
Crew continues shaping
Rad rebar
Maybe these pictures are misleading, but it doesn’t quite look like the plans, and there seems to be an awful lot of flat ground in there. Much more wide open than a typical snake run. Again, this is judging from the photos and not real life.
Especially those hillside shots. More like 70’s freestyle pit, not snake run.
that new tight wall looks like fun.
looks different. I like that! cant wait to check it.
Looking forward to skating it, looks fun.
shut up rocco
Bummer. A snake run would have been fun. Is it me or the parks getting worse. The crete doesn’t look so hot and the design is very subpar. What a waste.
You guys should just go check it out. Your google machines and digideath lens can deceive you. It is a snake run, and there’s nothing subpar about it. Not too much flat, very similar to the design. Just get out of your Aeron chairs and check it out, then we can talk about it. You won’t be disappointed. And to answer your question slappy, yeah, it’s just you.
I’ve been there. Seen it. There is way too much flat “just like a 70’s freestyle pit.” Skated snake runs of the past and present. That’s not a snake run. Oh yeah and Burnside, Aumsville, Newberg, Astoria, and Lincoln City are still the best and oldest of our parks. These parks are going to be here for a while before the bulldozers come. So my expectations are high because the bar has been set up that way and the newer parks are falling short. I’m not the only resident who feels this way “dude”.
Good. Then don’t ride it.. You and your “residents” should do something about it. Get your hands in some crete and stop bitching. There is not too much flat. Do you even know how fast you could get going at this park? We don’t need you and your pro designs and rails getting in the way anyway. There will be plenty of shredding going on. Plenty of ollies. Yep, I said it… Ollies. You know, where you hit your tail and jump. Once again, get off your computer and skate. The Dude.
I’ve been skating for 32 years, and this is one of the better snake runs I’ve ever seen. Redmond? Blah, L.C? (Can you say dysfunctional?), Landsdowne? B.S, Poway? Huh?, P.V? Garbage, The list goes on and on… And there is not nearly enough room for me to do one footed 360’s to pogo in the flat.
P.S. I prefer ollieing to a grind. You got it all wrong brother.
I’ve been kind of back on forth on some of Airspeed’s stuff… Reedsport street section namely, I know that kink is on purpose… but whatever just my opinion, then again, Reedsport bowl is one of the best IMO, right up there with Arlington and KF cock and balls… speaking of Klam, this kind of reminds me of that eastern quadrant, in smaller scale, with maybe a little derby, medford, and ripon thrown in.
Looks fun as F!@K! Let us know when it’s done, I’ll bring my barbeque.
I can’t wait…looks like there are some serious speed lines and floaty ollies to be had. Could get hectic with a crowd though.
Hey slappy whats your real name? Do you build skateparks? Maybe come by the sight and show us how its done.
digideath lens Yeah, that’s why I made sure to say “Just the way it looks in the photos”
Now that I’ve been there in person, the photos are very deceiving. The park is fun as all get out.
Ive been out there a few times looks great IMO. Cant wait to skate it.!! Best part is it is different than all the other parks.