They’re Alive!

Grojak Sorcery 118 Boards are Alive!

What’s better than a double feature? Why, a triple feature, of course. Count ’em, two new Sorcery 118 clips plus, the release of the Grojak Sorcery 118 Shape #95 deck. That’s three. Check out all the bone chilling action on this week’s Sorcery Saturday after the turn.

Gallery: Grojak @ Sorcery 118 Boards

Buy Now: Advanced copies of Grojak Sorcery 118 Shape #95 available at Cal Skate or direct from Grojak Industries.

Sorcery Saturday: Volume 19a – Samcam Party

Sorcery Saturday: Volume 19b – Sam and Max

These videos brought to you by the Sorcery 118 crew. Be sure to check out their other skate video creations over on their punk rock skate vlog.

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