Still Burning

Monday Cover Vol. 3 Issue 9 - Troy Sliter

It’s hard to believe that this is the first Monday Cover for this week’s featured skater, Troy Sliter. Our bad. If the name sounds familiar, chances are you might have seen Troy pulling his best Per Welinder impersonation in the ever popular Santa Cruz video, Wheels of Fire. It turns out, Troy is just as comfortable in the big stuff (see 50-50 in the deep above.) Check out some more shots of Troy killing it back in the day after the turn.

Congratulations Troy!

Troy - Mute

Mute at Joe Lopes’ ramp

Troy - BS Ollie

Backside Ollie. Literally. Check out those shorts.

Troy - FS Ollie

Frontside ollie

Troy - Smith Grind

Looks like a Smith grind to us

Troy - 50-50 @ Pier Park

Full frame of cover shot. (click on image to enlarge)

Tight short shots courtesy of Jeff Hedges.

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