Always answering the call, Grover’s Video Korner comes through with a little entertainment for your holiday viewing. Check out the first video entry in our Earth Patrol Network Skate & Snow Challenge after the turn. Nick Heyward fans will be stoked.
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Snow Kooks by GVK
That Jack is a regular Shaun White, at home on the slopes as well as the skateboard.
It’s hard to watch Fendick take those diggers on his knees. Doesn’t he actually snowboard in the winter?
Jack’s pretty funny in that!
Nice video!
…more like a regular Shawn Palmer.
Wait a second, why would it matter if a snowboard was set up for a regular-foot? Couldn’t you just ride it backwards? Oh, the graphic would be wrong.
Jack pulls a sort of “snow comply” in that last section. Looks like a fun day.
LOVE the vid! Always having fun… you guys rock! The prodigy and the hopeless old men on snowboards.
Now that’s an ARCTIC BLAST!