This week’s Monday Cover skater, Mike Shearer, takes advantage of the longer days and improving weather. Check out Mike’s stylin’ wall ride during a recent twilight session at Glenhaven. See another pic of Mike in classic form after the turn.
Congratulations Mike!
Click on the image for a larger view.
Frontside boneless in the shallow
Mike rules!
Sick Wall-ride…..
Mike is the Glenhaven Killa!
Oh, and take a look at those trucks in the wallride shot. He’s definitely down to axle. That is one hard-grinding dude. I like it when his stand-ups in the deep end of the Peanut startle people sitting on the bench-thing. “Whoa! Damn!”
ripping style
mikes a killa
were you at mike give me a shout
mike give me a shout
Call me Shearer