Grab yourself a bowl of cereal, set back and enjoy a little walk down memory lane. This week’s YouTube Tuesday features a small list of Saturday morning cartoons and shows that stimulated our little minds back in the 60’s and 70’s. Enjoy!
- The Mighty Heros – Intro
- Frankenstein Jr. and The Impossibles – Intro, Bumper
- Space Ghost – Intro
- Roadrunner – Intro
- Wacky Races – Intro and Episode
- Birdman – Intro
- Jetsons – Intro
- Flintstones – Intro
- Land of the Lost – Intro
- Bigfoot and Wildboy – Intro
- HR Pufnstuf – Intro and Closing
- Lidsville – Intro
- Sigmund the Sea Monster – Intro
- Lancelot Link Secret Chimp – Surfin’ Spy
- Shazam – Intro
- Isis – Intro
Awesome post. I liked Shazam, LOTL, and Sigmund. My sister based her entire adult persona on a combination of Witchy Poo and Exene Cervenka.
Great stuff (“Oh mighty Isis!”), but don’t forget one of my favorites, Land of the Giants:
Bigfoot and Wildboy? Missed that one as a kid. Probably due to my irrational fear of Bigfoot invading suburban Connecticut. But “Oh Mighty Isis” was must-see TV back in the day. Wonder Woman too.
Birdman! It didn’t get any better then a bowl of frosted flakes and saturday morning.
WILMAAA! Where’s my Rebel board!
I like how Billy was hand chosen by the Greek Gods and given special powers but still has cruise around in a crappy RV on his quest for justice.
That is, Billy from Shazaam!