Guess what? It’s time, once again, to start a new season of Monday Covers. Kicking off our fourth year of Monday Covers is North Carolina bred by way of Seattle shred, Morris “Mo” Wainwright. Check out the proper way to set on a grind over the deathbox after the turn. Also, thanks to BK for the light hold and pro tips.
Congratulations Morris!
Click on an image for a larger view.
Living the pipe dream
Speed line over the hip
Blur over the box
Rolling the deep frontside
Setting on it
Clarity over the box
Full frame of cover shot
Bonus: Here’s your stoked-on-the-shred video courtesy of Anitgravity Press. Click it!
Right on Mo!
Where is that second bowl? Is that a private one?
Was the FS roll-in a make with the foot placement? yikes
blurry one is a good. good stuff.
Livmo, it probably was a bail, dude never rides out of anything. If you watch the video you can see him climbing out of the bowl a lot. Thanks for the pics Rich!
Morris looks like a teenager. I love the ambient light/flash combo shots.
As a rule, bails get deleted from the camera in realtime. If it’s a bail, that’s one rad bail. 🙂
Nice shot Rich! MO rules it, you should see him at our local bowl Lower Woodland, OMFG !!! Thnaks for the pix… 🙂
Is Mo talking about himself in third person again? Good video footage of you climbing out of the bowl, Mo. 😉