Raw Power

Power Rider - Mark Scott @ Pier Park

Like Iggy Pop says “Can you feeeeeeeel it!” It’s raw power or rather Captain Power Rider, Mark Scott. So what is a Power Rider? Well, check out all the photos after the turn for a few pointers. EPM “Raw power, it’s much too much” Out!

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Mark Scott - Power Drop-in @ Pier Park

Mark ready to power drop-in

Mark Scott - Power Pocket Pump @ Pier Park

Power pumping the pocket

Mark Scott - Power Flow the Pipe @ Pier Park

Power flow through the pipe

Mark Scott - Power Kick Pipe @ Pier Park

Power kick up in the pipe

Mark Scott - Power Gray Slide @ Pier Park

Gray slide power rider style

Mark Scott - Power Up Wall @ Pier Park

Power line to the face wall

Mark Scott - Frontside Air @ Pier Park

Power aerial assault ensues, first frontside…

Mark Scott - Power Layback Air @ Pier Park

… then layback

Mark Scott - Power Lurking in the Pipe @ Pier Park

And if you’re not skating, well how about power lurking for other skaters in the pipe

Mark Scott - Power Take Down @ Pier Park

First up, Mr. Partain feeling the wrath of a power takedown

Mark Scott - Power Trick Blocker @ Pier Park

and finally, young upstart Steven Pineiro getting full-on trick blocked.

Well, that’s all we have for now and hopefully you have a better understanding of how a power rider shreds.

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