The first pours in Tristen’s bowl are complete. It took 6 hours of mixing and a total of 13 hours to get these three sections poured. That’s some pretty serious stoke to mix and hand stack a project of that size. Word has it that the corner pockets are due to be poured this weekend. Check out more pics of Tristen’s first pour over on the Earth Patrol Network.
More Badassisty from the NW! STOKE!
NIce. But what they mixed for 6 hours straight before they stacked it for 13 hours? Explain.
I had the mixer running for 6 hours I had two people mixing and running the wheel barrow to the bowl as I was hand stacking it as it was mixed. I stacked the top first so it would harden up as I stacked the bottom. That way the top would setup and not fall/slump. When the first panel was full I would screed It and start the finishing as they dumped more mud in the second panel by the time I had enough mud in the second panel the first one was about ready for the first pass of the steel trowel. So I had my brother “the only other finisher I Needed” tending to that panel as I finished hand stacking & screeding the the second panel while they were filling the third panel. It took 6 hours to fill all three panels. After they all got filled and screeded It was 7 more hours to finish all 3 panels with each one going off at different times. A fun time was had by all. Time to do it again tomorrow.
Whoa, indeed. Sounds stressful! Have you and your brother done finishing work on tranny before?
I noticed there doesn’t appear to be gravel underneath. That’s different from MC’s bowl. What’s the scoop?
Yes we have had some experience with concrete before. We were two of the five that built Coos Bay’s Park. and yes there is no gravel under those pours. I had to dig through about 3 feet of sand stone so the base is solid, and since I’m building this on a limited budget I think It will be fine. Plus those slabs are on an average 7″ thick. You can drive a fully loaded cement truck over a 6″ slab with out rebar so I’m pretty confident that they will stay together with out a 2″ base of rock under them. Sometime today I will upload pictures of the corner pours we did on Saturday.