The furry little guy on the left is Pupik[poo-peek]. He’s a dog that likes to fetch. The not-so-furry guy on the right is Marek. He is a human who likes to skate. Pupik and Marek are a fetch-n-skate duo.
Marek throws. Pupik fetches. Marek skates. ….Repeat until both are dog tired.
Oh yeah, and for YouTube Tuesday, here are some videos of Marek’s half of fetch-n-skate along with some photo extras. Enjoy!
Videos: Burnside, Lincoln City, Pool, West Linn 1, West Linn 2, Bonus Pool
Marek – FS Smith
Marek – Fakie Rock-n-Roll
Marek – BS Grind in the Corner
Marek – FS Grind
Editor’s Note: Many thanks to Kilwag over at Skate and Annoy for the awesome pics of Marek. That dude knows how to take a great skate photo. Also, check-out Marek’s board sponsor: Cold War Skateboards. If you don’t ride one, you should, in our humble opinion.
Are you sure that’s how you spell Poopeek?
Long live that annoying dog!
Good feature on Marek Litinsky. He’d better get his skating in now, his wife is very pregnant by now.
We should all bark when we want to go skateboarding. I bet we’d get sent out of the house.
Always killing it. Marek for president?