Another day, another backyard adventure. This one was deep with very tiny transitions. Your best bet was to carve up the corners and get out on the flat wall while getting ready to suck it up on the descent. You didn’t want to eat it either since the surface was somewhere in the neighborhood of #20 grit sandpaper. Check out the pics of this now defunct pool after the turn.
Click on the images for a larger view.
Side View
Deep to Shallow
Randy in Deep. Check out SnA Shot of the Week.
Ben in the Corner
MC in the Vert Field
Randy in the Corner
Ben in the Deep
Mark looking for the Light
Yeah Kilwag! Up there.
looks like alot of work to me…i will give you directions to a bank to wall with better trannnys that that…..82nd and Burnside behind the beauty salon..
I had no idea…
I love the second pic of me, (becasue I’m vain) and becasue it looks like I’m doing the robot.
Good job Rich!
Good job in the skating and pic.s all around! The sparkle of the pool dust is surreal.
sandpaper surface? how about the coping. ouch. nice pics.
i’m sure you’ll be hearing from the dunthorpe neighborhood assoc. soon, hooligans.