
Geth, Stephanie and Billy - Gabriel Park

The crew at Airspeed did a little quality control testing at their Gabriel Park site. Check out Geth, Stephanie and Billy as they ride one of their creations. Design/build skateparks rule and don’t let anyone tell you different. Better yet, get a board and ride them. All the inspection photos after the turn….

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Geth - FS Air over Hip @ Gabriel Park

Geth certifies a hip

Stephanie - BS Carve @ Gabriel Park

Stephanie checking pocket whip

Billy - BS Air over Hip @ Gabriel Park

Billy testing landing wall tensile strength

Geth - Method Out @ Gabriel Park

The Geth Method of flyouts

Billy - BS Air over Hip @ Gabriel Park

Billy taking another random sample

Overivew of Gabriel Park

Overview of Gabriel Park

More coverage on SnA: GVK #30, SnA Shot of the Week

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